Past ASURA leaders

ASURA has been fortunate to have committed and capable leadership since its founding in 1991. This page provides a list of those who oversaw the health, relevancy, and overall strength of the organization in each year of its existence.

Leadership by year

Click on a link to see officers, Board members, committee chairs, and office volunteers for that year.

Leadership 2022-2023

President - William Stasi

Leadership 2021-2022

President - Larry Edmonds (resigned February 4, 2022)

Leadership 2020-2021

President - Carl Cross

Leadership 2019-2020

President - Jan Thompson

Leadership 2018-2019

President - Tara Roesler

Leadership 2017-2018

President - Jeri Meeks

Leadership 2016-2017

President - Barbara White (4/16-8/16) Jeri Meeks (9/16-3/30/2017)

Leadership 2015-2016

President - Jim Fordemwalt

Leadership 2014-2015

President - Jo Madonna

Leadership 2013-2014

President - Barry McNeill

Leadership 2012-2013

President - Bill Moor

Leadership 2011-2012

President - Dave Schwailm

Leadership 2010-2011

President - Connie McNeill

Leadership 2009-2010

President - Mary Stevens

Leadership 2008-2009

President - Val Peterson

Leadership 2007-2008

President - Doug Johnson

Leadership 2006-2007

President - Alan Matheson

Leadership 2005-2006

President - Elmer Gooding

Leadership 2004-2005

President - Dave Scheatzle

Gallery of Presidents

Gallery of Presidents 2022-

Gallery of Presidents

Gallery of Presidents