ASURA Leadership

Association year 2006-2007


President - Alan Matheson

Past President - Elmer Gooding

Vice President - Doug Johnson

Secretary - Maxine LaRoux

Treasurer - George Umberson

Joan Leard


Joan Leard chaired the Adopt-a-Family program for several years beginning in 2006. She also volunteered as office staff.

Board of Directors

Alan Matheson

Bob Francis

Charles Backus

Doug Johnson

Elmer Gooding

George Umberson

Jerome Aronson

Joan Leard

June Bankhead

Mathew Betz

Maxine LaRoux

Stan Brown

Suzanne Steadman

Ted Cary

Ex-officio Board members

Academic Senate - Susan Mattson

Classified Staff Council - Rick Martorano

Human Resources - Sheree Barron

Public Affairs - Wilma Mathews

Sr. VP/Provost - Karen Hamman

Committee chairs

Activities Committee - June Bankhead

Adopt-A-Family - Joan Leard

Education - Joe Wilkinson

Emeritus College Liaison - Elmer Gooding

Insurance - ADOA - Dick Murra

Insurance - ASRS - Doug Johnson

Legislative Liaison - Jerome Aronson

Membership - Elmer Gooding

Newsletter - Dave Scheatzle & Judith Smith

Retirement System Liaison - Scott Norton

Scholarship - Sue Blumer

Technology & Web Site - Bob Beeman

University Club Liaison - Zeke Prust

Video History Project - Bob Francis

Volunteers - Marie Salé

Office volunteers

Corinne Irvan - Business Manager

Corinne Irvan - Office Coordinator