ASURA Leadership
Association year 2015-2016
President - Jim Fordemwalt
Past President - Jo Madonna
Vice President - Barbara White
Secretary - Bev Buddee
Treasurer - Barry Bruns

Bev Buddee took over as ASURA Secretary in April of 2015
Board of Directors
Barbara White
Barry Bruns
Bev Buddee
Bob Francis
Glenn Irvin
Hal White
Jan Thompson
Jeannette Robson
Jim Fordemwalt
Jo Madonna
Joyce Hartman Diaz
Karen Hammann
Larry Carlson
Larry Mankin
Ruth Kingsley, resigned and
replaced 2/2016 by Barry McNeill
Trudy Perez
Ex-officio Board members
Alumni Association - Rhonda McClintock
Emeritus College - Elmer Gooding
Human Resources - Sheree Barron
Public Affairs (shared) - Abby Polito
Public Affairs (shared) - Barbara Shaw-Snyder
University Club - Jim Fordemwalt
University Senate - TBD
University Staff Council - Katie Aguilar
Committee chairs
Community Outreach
Adopt-A-Family - Joan Leard
Scholarship - Sue Blumer and Joy Shearman
Video History Project - Dave Scheatzle
Overall coordination - Barry McNeill
Luncheons & Special Events - Joyce Hartman Diaz
Pre-retirement Seminars - Trudy Perez
Seminars - Jan Thompson
Travel - John Brock
Finance - Barry Bruns
Government Liaison Council
State Legislative Liaison - Jeri Meeks
ASRS Liaison - Larry Carlson
Health Insurance Liaison - ASRS/ADOA
Larry Carlson - Joyce Hartman Diaz
Membership & Communications
Membership - Dave Schwalm
Obituaries - Becky Reiss
Prime Times - Wilma Mathews and
Jeannette Robson
Website - Database - Connie McNeill
Office volunteers
Carolyn Minner - Business Manager
Nancy Lesko and Linda Van Scoy-
Co-Office Coordinators
Bev Buddee
Bonnie Scheall
Carol Berg
Carol Moore
Carolyn Minner
Dorothy Meunier
Helen Seaton
Jeannette Robson
Joan Leard
Linda Van Scoy
Maxine LaRoux
Nancy Lesko
Tara Roesler