ASURA Leadership
Association year 2011-2012
President - Dave Schwailm
Past President - Connie McNeill
Vice President - Sheila Stokes
Secretary - Barry Leshowitz
Treasurer - Bill Moor

For several years Rose Minetti actively and ably advocated for retirees enrolled in the ASRS health plans.
Board of Directors
Barbara Bradford Eschbach
Barry Bruns
Barry Leshowitz
Bill Moor
Carolyn Minner
Connie McNeill
Dave Scheatzle
Dave Schwalm
Dick Jacob
Doug Johnson
Gary Anderson
Jeannette Robson
Joy Shearman
Rose Minetti
Sheila Stokes
Wilma Mathews
Ex-officio Board members
Academic Senate - Joe Carter
Classified Staff Council - Robert Muscari
Human Resources - Sheree Barron
Public Affairs - Barbara Shaw-Snyder
Committee chairs
Community Outreach
Adopt-A-Family - Joan Leard
Emeritus College Liaison - Dick Jacob
Scholarship - Sue Blumer
University Club Liaison - Jim Fordemwalt
Video History Project - Linda Van Scoy
Luncheons & Special Events
Barbara Bradford Eschbach
Retirees Day - Barry McNeill
Seminars - Gary Kleemann
Travel - Bill Stasi and Gary Anderson
Finance - Mary Stevens
Government Liaison Council
State Legislative Liaison - Jerry Aronson
ASRS Liaison - Dick Jacob
Health Insurance Liaisond - ASRS/ADOA
Rose Minetti/Doug Johnson
Membership & Communications
Membership - Elmer Gooding
Obituaries - Becky Reiss
Prime Times - Wilma Mathews and
Jeannette Robson
ASURA Web & Technology - Connie McNeill
Office volunteers
Carolyn Minner - Business Manager
Carol Moore - Office Coordinator
Anna Marie Shivers
Betty Norris
Bill Wootten
Carol Berg
Carol Moore
Carolyn Lanners
Ed Scannell
Helen Seaton
Jack Sarrett
Jeannette Robson
Joan Leard
Linda Van Scoy
Mary Williams
Maxine LaRoux
Nancy Lesko