Health topics from ASURA seminars

ASURA's seminars provide a wealth of information to members. In many cases the information is summarized and shared by the organizer. This page lists seminars that have useful reports related to health and wellness.

Title Start of report
Beverly Buddee January 2020 - 10 Things Nobody Tells You as You Age Seminar

Elaine Poker-Yount, Director of Care Management and Community Liaison for Education and Outreach for the visiting Angels East Valley, was the guest speaker at the January…

Kathryn Wexler, AuD and Bev Buddee February 2017 - Living Well with Hearing Loss Seminar

Living Well with Hearing Loss

presented by

Kathryn Wexler, AuD

Clinical Associate Professor

Arizona State…

Attendees January 2016 - Sleep Seminar

A full house of 54 attendees enjoyed a varied and highly informative session on SLEEP during the January 28, 2016 session of the ASU Retirees…

Dr. Jay Braun February 2015 - The Healthy Brain - The Alzheimer's Brain Seminar

The seminar was “sold out” and the room was close to packed when Gary Kleemann introduced Dr. Jay Braun, ASU Emeritus Professor of Psychology. Dr. Braun started his talk…