Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for November 9, 2021



Liza Del Mundo from the Alumni Association announced that on October 29, 2021 the PAC Ten hosted a “Legends Anniversary” celebration at the Biltmore. ASU was one of the celebrants. The Holiday Picnic has been scheduled for December 9, 2021 at Papago Park. Pat Schneider announced that four seminars have been set for Spring, 2022.  Tara Roesler has offered to take over the obituaries for Becky Reiss and would welcome help from members.  Larry Edmonds suggested that since there are very few duties listed for the Vice President, that the board might think about adding some duties including the possibility of event scheduling.