Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for November 13, 2013



Barry Bruns reported that there were no specific financial issues to report.  The Board received reports on a successful Emeritus College symposium and the Lion King fundraising event.  Abby Polito sent the Board materials on the ABOR legislative agenda and request for $1 billion in bonding authority to support research at the three universities.  The Board passed a motion to extend eligibility for the ASURA scholarship to all students, including on-line students, who meet the scholarship criteria.  The Video History Committee reported working with the ASU office in charge of institutional history to identify and support student assistants for the Video History Project.  The Board received updates on the luncheon at Friendship Village, the Health Insurance Seminar, travel, the Golf Tournament, book collection, and the KAET fundraising event, and passed a motion to accept the annual review of financial status.  Connie McNeill reviewed the availability of information on the ASURA website and demonstrated changes to the site and ways to access the information.  The ASURA membership survey is on schedule to be administered in January 2014.  Discussion continued regarding volunteerism in the Association.  Ballots for ASURA elections will be ready in January