Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for May 11, 2021



The board meeting was held in hybrid format. Five members were face-to-face and the rest attended via Zoom.  This was Larry Edmonds first meeting as President. Joy Sherman is in need of an assistant who will eventually take over as chair of the Scholarship Committee.  We are exploring the option of holding the September Meet and Greet in person. Carol Tassone volunteered to work on events. Sue Henderson and Rojann Alpers volunteered to work with HR to enhance the pre-retirement seminars. Jeri Meeks reported on several Arizona state legislature enactments. The most relevant is that Community Colleges can begin offering a limited number of bachelorette degrees. A new ad hoc committee consisting of Carl Cross, Sue Henderson, and Pat Schneider will assess the bylaws for needed updates.