Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for March 14, 2017



The Luncheon Committee reported the spring Luncheon is scheduled for April 26. Marshall Trimble is the guest speaker. The Seminar Committee has its final seminar scheduled for April 6. The topic is "Senior Living Options". The Travel Committee reported the cancellation of 2 spring events - the Wrigley Mansion tour and the Southern Arizona tour; all spaces are filled for the British Isles trip; and planning has begun for the March, 2018, South America trip. The Book Collection subcommittee reported revenue of $220.16 for the 4th quarter. The ASRS General Liaison reported that ASRS is investigating additional measures to detect fraudulent claims. The Health Insurance Liaisons noted that health insurance contracts will be going out for bid at the end of next year. The Membership Committee reported an increase in membership due to the introductory free membership.  Discussion ensued regarding accurate data reporting.  The Nominating Committee announced new Board members Betty Landon, William Moor, Kathleen Renshaw, Patricia Schneider, and Don Nilsen.  The Board unanimously approved the new slate of officers for the 2017-2018 year: Jeri Meeks, President; Tara Roesler, Vice President; William Moor, Treasurer; and Betty Landon, Secretary.