Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for January 13, 2016



The Scholarship Committee is in the process of receiving applications for the 2016 ASURA Scholarship. The Video History Committee meets shortly to identify additional potential interviewees. Interviews will continue as appointments are scheduled. Almost 80 video interviews are now on the ASURA website for review; files continue to be added to the Library archives.  A profit of $164 resulted from the bake sale at the December Holiday Potluck and Bake Sale.  The Luncheon and Special Events Committee was asked to plan the Annual Meeting, scheduled for April 16 in the Memorial Union on the Tempe Campus.  The event start time was moved to 11:30 a.m., pending room availability; Dr.  M. Zuhdi Jasser was confirmed as the keynote speaker. The Seminars Committee reported that the Volunteer Fair had been cancelled due to lack of interest, 3 additional seminars are scheduled for Spring 2016. The Travel Committee has several outings scheduled.  Event and registration information for upcoming seminars and travel is on the ASURA website.  The Finance Committee reported that declining revenues required the reduction in expenses for financial stability. After considerable discussion, the Board voted unanimously to suspend the ASURA Scholarship of $10,000 for FY2017 until such time as adequate cash reserves are available.  A book sales profit of $611.98 for the final three months of 2016 was reported.  The Legislative Liaisons reported that the current legislative session reconvened this week, 2 Bills bear watching: HB2072 about firearms on university and college campuses and SB1031 about voting on campuses. Future reports will be forthcoming pending action by the Legislature. The Nominating Committee is working to secure candidates. Voting will begin in early February; successful candidates will be presented to the Board at the Annual Meeting in April.  A separate Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon will not be held this year.  Volunteers will be recognized at the Annual Meeting.