Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for January 10, 2023



The first meeting of 2023 was held on January 10th.  Penny Dolin, University Senate liaison, presented a great update on what has been happening with the faculty and ASU in general.  The review of ASURA expenditures report was discussed with two proposed changes being approved by the Board.  The first dealt with how the money received from the books sales is allocated and the second on transferring additional funds from the Operations account to the Endowment fund.  An update from the Travel Committee on upcoming opportunities was given as well as an update from the Seminar Committee on the upcoming seminars.  The annual meeting will be held in April with Dennis Hoffman from W.P. Carey as the main speaker.