Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for February 14, 2017



The Events Committee reported that ASURA will staff a table at both the Tempe and West campus Staff Appreciation Barbeques.  Planning has begun on the Spring Luncheon.  The February 9th seminar on "Living Well with Hearing Loss" was well attended. The next Spring seminar is scheduled for Thursday, March 9th, and will focus on Medicare and supplemental insurance intricacies. The Travel Committee is working out the details for the Wrigley Mansion trip.  The ASURA President and Vice President have registered with the state as lobbyists which enables them to more fully participate at legislative meetings.  Membership has increased in the 4th quarter, due in large part to the new introductory membership program. The Web Site and Database Committee reported that the automatic membership enrollment process has been completed. The Nominating Committee reported it is still seeking 2 additional candidates for the upcoming Board elections. The process has begun for the compilation of the 2016-2017 Annual Report.