Board meeting minutes
Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.
Minutes for December 10, 2014
The Finance Committee conducted the annual review of the Association’s expenditures and found that the revenues and expenditures were reasonable and consistent with the budget and in agreement with applicable ASU Foundation records. A discussion of ASURA Advocacy identified areas for action; attendees were asked to prioritize five of the items for advocacy. Connie McNeill reported that a parking pass is available to ASURA members at a cost of $280. Ex Officio reports indicated that the Emeritus College is conducting a search for a Dean and that ASU anticipates a difficult year for state finances and budgets. The Announcement for the ASURA Scholarship has been posted; the interview process for Video History has been initiated; attendance at ASURA events has been declining; three seminars have been arranged for the spring; and three travel trips are scheduled in the coming year. A Governmental Relations Council has been formed. Deadlines for Prime Times have been moved forward.