Event report

March 2023 - Our Brain's Executive Functions: Memory, Attention & Cognitive Flexibility


Dr. Enz started the presentation by outlining what our executive functions are: 

  • Inhibition/Action – Monitoring and self-regulating actions; inhibiting actions when necessary – impulse control
  • Working Memory – Utilizing working memory and accessing recall; using feedback to improve performance; consequences of behavior (if-then)
  • Focus & Attention – Selective attention; joint attention; sustained attention; response inhibition

She then went into a more detailed explanation and examples of each of the functions.  As we age, a healthy brain maintains strong impulse control.  Poor impulse control is an indicator of potential brain health issues.  Our working memory capacity increases as we age but between age 40-60, begins to revert back to where we were as teenagers.  As we mature, we should be concerned with memory loss that disrupts daily life; challenges in planning or solving problems; difficulty complete familiar tasks; consistent confusion with time or place and forgetting the names of familiar people. Finally, Dr. Enz addressed the different types of attention:  joint attention, selective attention, sustained attention and response inhibition.

Dr. Enz concluded her presentation by presenting strategies for brain health.  These include, but not limited to –

  • Learn new skills; keep attending classes.
  • Physical activities – 20-30 minutes per day
  • Eating well
  • Sleeping well

The handouts from the seminar, including a shorten version of the Executive Function quiz, can be found by clicking the link below.

Seminar handouts

Seminar slide deck



Seminar image