Event report
February 2024 - Area Agency on Aging
The ASURA February 2024 seminar featured speakers from the Area Agency on Aging. Alfredo Gonzalez, and Marco Mendoza provided valuable information on the services offered by the agency. The services and programs they presented are available within Maricopa County. However, they both mentioned that most of the programs are found in other counties throughout the State of Arizona, but under a different agency. The following link can be used to find the agency in your county - https://arizonaaging.org/area-agencies/.
Marco started the seminar by presenting the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). SHIP is federally funded by the Administration for Community Living. It is part of a national network with 54 SHIP grantees, one in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are over 2,000 local sites with over 12,500 team members. Its main purpose is to assist in navigating Medicare. Understanding your Medicare choices, how to enroll, plan comparison, coverage and costs, submitting appeals and referral to other resources are just a few of the services they provide. You can contact SHIP at
1-800-432-4040 or if you are resident of Maricopa County at 602-280-1059.
Marco then discussed the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program. This program handles fraud issues related to Medicare. Marco encouraged everyone to report any incident of a potential scam or fraud to the agency so they can in turn work with Medicare in identifying and provide future prevention for the incidents.
Alfredo discussed the various programs offered by the Area Agency on Aging. The 24-Hour Senior HELP LINE is the information and assistance program and central intake for the Agency. The number for that line is – 602-264-4357. Next, he discussed the Senior Adult Independent Living (SAIL) program which provides case management and services to senior and adults with disabilities who live in the community and need assistance with their daily living activities. From there he discussed the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program which provides advocacy for residents in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities. Caring Circles, which consists of volunteers who provide companionship to seniors 60 years and older to reduce social isolation, was next on the agenda. The elderSHOP program provides grocery shopping and grocery home delivery to seniors 60 years and older. Next, Alfredo touched on the Legal Assistance program that provides legal assistance and legal resources to seniors. DOVES is the program that provides domestic violence prevention counseling to victims of late life domestic violence. Last, but not least, Alfredo presented the services and programs under the ElderVention Clinical Services Programs.
A list of other resources was provided that may be helpful are as follows:
- Area Agency on Aging Regions in Arizona: https://arizonaaging.org/area-agencies/
- Area Agency on Aging Regions Across the United States: https://eldercare.acl.gov/Public/Index.aspx
- Area Agency on Aging, Region One’s Resource Guide:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yps9U99OZ1oRgJJ-w3jD9Tj3YAFoDp5Y/view