ASURA Volunteer
Tara Roesler
President 2018-2019, Vice-president 2016-2018
Past president 2019-2020 and 2022-2023
Government /health insurance liaison 2016-2023/2016-2012
Board member 2016-2020 and 2022-2024
Obituaries Committee chair 2022-2024
Office volunteer 2015-2023
University Club liaison 2022-2024

Fall 2015
Tara Roesler, an Arizona native, began her ASU career as a student worker in the Department of Chemistry in 1972. She received her B.S. in Accountancy from the W.P. Carey School of Business in 1975. Immediately following graduation, Tara joined the staff of the ASU Comptroller’s Office where she served first as the university’s payroll accountant before assuming responsibility for the University General Fund and Capital Project (Building) Funds. In 1981, she transferred to the University Budget Office, handling numerous budgets including the Colleges of Business and Liberal Arts and Intercollegiate Athletics until 1984. After 13 years of service at ASU, Tara left to accept an assignment at the State Level with the Executive Budget Office (now the Governor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting).
Tara retired from State of Arizona public service in 2005 after an additional 21 years of service. Some other positions she held during her tenure at the State Level were Assistant Director of the Arizona Department of Commerce, Assistant Director of Administration Arizona Lottery, and Finance and Planning Manager for the Information Services Division of the Arizona Department of Administration.