ASU remembers
Shirley Kay Bell
November 12, 2010
Dr. Shirley Kay Bell, EdD, RN, 68, passed away on November 12, 2010. She was a 1962 graduate of the Bethesda School of Nursing. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Cincinnati and her Master's Degree from Wayne State University. Dr. Bell taught at West Virginia University for 17 years, where she earned her Doctorate (EdD) in Nursing Education. She taught nursing undergraduates for four years at The Ohio State University before moving to Arizona where she taught at ASU for 20 years. While teaching at ASU Dr. Bell also taught graduate courses at the University of Phoenix. Dr. Bell was a member of The Phi Beta Kappa Society, the nation's oldest academic society. Dr. Bell was published in professional nursing journals, co-authored a book and was a consultant and contributor on several books and publications. She was the featured speaker at many professional conferences and served on multiple state's nursing program accreditation councils. Dr. Bell was an officer and held membership in numerous professional organizations including both the West Virginia and Arizona State Nurses Association. She was Treasurer of the American Heart Association in the states of West Virginia and Arizona. Dr. Bell retired after more than 40 years of teaching nursing and has been inducted into the Rolling Hills Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame. Shirley is survived by two siblings and other relatives.