Event report
September 2023 Meet and Greet pizza party
ASURA hosted the annual Meet and Greet pizza party on September 18, 2023. The party was held in the large conference room of the Ability 360 Center, 5025 E. Washington Street, Phoenix.
Forty-two members joined the party, including several new and potential members. There was much socializing with meeting and greeting of past and new members. On the stroke of 11:30, the Red Devil Italian restaurant’s pizzas arrived and we all tucked in, enjoying the repast.
After pizza and beverages, ASURA President Kay Faris welcomed everyone and introduced those Executive Committee and Board Members who were present. She asked Will Stasi, Immediate Past President, to share a couple of his jokes, e.g., why the golfer took an extra pair of socks – in case he got a hole in one. After the groaning died down, Kay introduced Committee Chairs, who each spoke about the activities of their committees and encouraged members to join a committee.
The event did not just magically occur. The following deserve thanks for organizing and running the event. Mary Stevens, Trudy Perez, and Partha Dasgupta are on the Luncheons Committee which planned the event. Mary brings the silverware and beverage cups and orders the pizza; Trudy brings beverages and desserts; Partha writes and delivers the announcements. Kay and Maria Hesse helped the committee with setup and cleanup. Barry McNeill took photos.
This was a nicely planned and run event and everyone had a good time! If you missed this year’s event there is always the upcoming Holiday Potluck.
Story is by Mary and Barry