Event report
September 2022 Meet and Greet
After an absence of two years, Mary Stevens and her committee of Partha Dasgupta and Trudy Perez put on the Meet and Greet Pizza Party. We had 57 registered; a few did not show but some others came so we ended up with something over forty in attendance. The party started at 11:00 am with the pizza arriving on the dot at 11:30 am. It took a little effort from Trudy to get the pizza line started; there was more interest in meeting and greeting than in eating.
ASURA President Will Stasi opened the post-eating portion of the party with a joke about raffling off a dead horse and then moved on to introduce the Board Members and Committee Chairs present. As each chair was introduced Will asked them to say a little about what the committee does and whether they needed more volunteers. These presentations appear to have been successful; there were several members who indicated an interest in volunteering for one of the committees.
Barry McNeill took pictures during the party which are available on the ASURA Photo Gallery. He did not take as many pictures as he desired because his battery died and he had not remembered to bring his spare.
I think it is safe to say everyone had a wonderful time and were so glad to get back to in person events.
Barry McNeill
Event Photographer