Event report
September 2021 What I wish I had known before retiring from ASU
Experience is an excellent teacher as we prepare for “Celebrating our Future after ASU”. We will hear from three ASU retirees about their experiences before, during and after retiring from ASU. Ample time will be given for audience questions and interactions. Join us for this fun and informative event.
Panelists are Larry Carlson, Pat Schneider and Sue Henderson.
Larry Carlson began his career with Arizona State University at the West campus in 1987. His first role was an accountant and executive coordinator for the Dean of Faculty. He then served as the campus accountant for the Comptroller’s office for 20 years until joining the New College as Director of Fiscal and Business Services in 2009. In 2015 Larry retired but returned to ASU shortly afterwards in his present part-time position as a business manager, initially to assist with the merger between ASU and the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Larry served as a representative for the ASU Staff Council for many years. As President of the ASU Staff Council, he worked collaboratively with the tri-university group to successfully convince the Governor's office and ADOA to allow insurance benefits for domestic partners. During the same time, he advocated successfully to establish the option for single parents to purchase insurance for employee + 1 instead of the expensive family plan. He also worked with ASU administration to implement a policy that encourages employees to be offered up to 16 hours release time per year for professional development.
Larry is currently a board member of ASURA and is on the ADOA insurance and government relations committee. Larry is also an IRS AFSP registered tax professional. He trained new tax preparers and is currently a partner of a local tax company. In his free time, Larry enjoys his Maserati TC hobby, supplying parts for 1989-1991 touring convertible models worldwide from his ranch in the White Mountains.
Pat Schneider retired in 2017 after spending almost 32 years working at ASU in the University Technology Office in various capacities. She has been involved with ASURA as a Board member, Board secretary, part of the legislative liaison committee and now Chair of the Seminars Committee. She believes that planning for retirement can be an unending maze unless you take the time and have the right tools and information to help plan your path forward. However, even with the best plan in place, there can still be some surprises. She hopes to be able to provide some tips to help minimize the surprises after you retire.
Sue Henderson retired from ASU in 2019. Sue is proud of what she calls her “ASU Family Math”. Sue and her husband Mark (also an ASURA board member) have three grown children who have earned a combined 6 degrees from ASU and all five family members have worked/studied at ASU for a combined 86 years! Sue’s contribution to the 86 combined family years includes working for the Disability Resources for Students office on the Tempe Campus, teaching and later directing what was first LIA 100 (Liberal Arts 100) which changed to become ASU 100 (Academic Success at the University) under Sue’s direction, working as an advisor and advising administrator both on the Tempe and Poly campuses and helping to start the ASU Preparatory Academies on the Poly and Downtown Campuses.
Sue has a passion for learning and is enjoying the extra time available for reading and classes since retiring from the Poly campus in 2019. She loves to garden and enjoys her book groups and can’t wait for Gammage to re-open when the pandemic ends.
Seminar recording