Event report
September 2017 - Meet & Greet Pizza Party
The first event of the year, the Meet and Greet Pizza Party, was well attended with over sixty attendees. The pre-party seminar, “What I Wished I Had Known Before I Retired” featured a panel consisting of Larry Carlson, Ruth Jones, and Bev Buddee, who discussed lessons learned about being retired. Audience participation was welcomed and informative. Once the session ended and the pizzas arrived Vlad Borovansky, Gretchen Hirni, Judy Heilala, and Barry McNeill sliced and served pizzas while Betty Landon kept the drink pitchers filled, and Hal White directed traffic in and out of the room.
The event was successful on several levels.
- We got to meet a number of our new members, a quarter of those registered were Introductory members
- We got to chat with old friends
- We got to introduce our new members to our committees and what they do
- We successfully recruited volunteers for several of our committees
- And finally, we all got to enjoy some great cookies
Story by Bev Buddee and Barry McNeill
Pictures by Elmer Gooding and Dave Scheatzle