Event report
September 2015 - Meet and Greet
The Meet and Greet Pizza Party is getting more popular each year. This year we had over 80 people register compared to the 35 we had in 2011. The pre-party panel discussion for new members was also well attended.
At about 10:45 the event kicked off with the “What I Wish I’d Known When I Retired” panel session organized by Jan Thompson. A standing room only group of more than 30 new and "seasoned" retirees contributed to a lively discussion. Jim Hardina, retired ASU Police, started the discussion, which ranged from pension and financial concerns to health care, physical activity, volunteerism, and post-retirement occupations. Bob Mings, Jerry Poe, and Jay Braun were instrumental in keeping the panel session flowing.
Meanwhile Linda Van Scoy, Carol Berg, Carol Moore, Joy Shearman, Don Nilsen, David Scheatzle, and Jeri Meeks were busy getting the party room ready, i.e., getting the tables and chairs positioned. Around 11:30 17 pizzas, 120 cookies,3 containers of brownies, and 2 containers of lemon cakes arrived thanks to the work of Barbara Eschbach and Rick Wall. There was a shortage of tables and chairs but this did not keep the pizzas and cookies from being consumed. Once the food had been dispatched a short program was presented during which this year's Board and the committee chairs were introduced. The committee chairs spoke about their upcoming activities.
The actual attendance was around 50 which was a bit disappointing given the registration numbers but there was a nice mix of new faces and old hands. All left having enjoyed the opportunity to meet new members and old friends.
Story by Jan Thompson and Barbara Eschbach, edited by Barry McNeill
Pictures by Don Nilsen and David Scheatzle