Event report
September 2013 - Meet and Greet
The first event of the year determined that ASU Retirees are a lot like kids and grandkids: they Love Pizza, especially when it’s free pizza! But more importantly, the Meet & Greet Pizza Party was an opportunity to share stories, experiences, and “what I did on my summer vacation” with friends and former colleagues. The photos you see on the ASURA website Photo Gallery document that everyone was smiling and having a great time!
The party was held on Wednesday, September 11th, and was attended by 66 individuals! Of the 66, four attendees were new retirees and new members of ASURA. So, we were very happy to welcome the “newbies” to their first event. ASURA President Barry McNeill was the emcee of the party. Barry welcomed everyone, and introduced 2013/14 Board members and committee chairs. Committee chairs spoke briefly to describe activities that are either planned or about to be planned, including more luncheons, seminars, travel opportunities, fund raisers, the golf tournament, etc.
We look forward to the events of 2013/14 as well as the participation of ASURA members and their spouses/partners/friends in these activities.