Event report
September 2012 - Meet and Greet
The first event of the ASURA calendar for 2012-2013 drew a hungry crowd of 50 to the Community Service Building September 12th. This event gives attendees the opportunity to greet new ASURA retirees/members, welcome potential new members and reconnect with old friends. For 11 attendees, this was their first ASURA event.
Members of the ASURA board of directors were present as were the chairs of the ASURA committees, who announced those activities currently planned or in the works.
Prior to the start of the Meet-and-Greet, the Seminars Committee sponsored a discussion featuring recent ASU retirees addressing the topic of “Things I Wish I Had Known When I First Retired.” Jay Butler and Gary Kleeman offered their in-sights to a group of 15 recent ASU retirees.
Barbara Bradford Eschbach and Gary Kleemann