Event report
September 2011 - Investment & Fraud Seminar
The first seminar of our new seminar program was held on September 20, 2011 on Investment and Fraud with Terri Alexon and Robert Eckert (Chief Investigator Securities Division), both from the Arizona Corporation Commission. This was held in the ASU Community Services Building.
Many beneficial topics were covered. Some topics involved asking questions about your investments and broker as an aid in becoming a smarter investor. Additional topics covered case studies of corporations individuals may have invested in and resulted in lawsuits. We covered various scams and a form on how to file a complaint with the Arizona Attorney General’s office. We provided many handouts and a DVD. Overall a voluminous amount of information was provided to all who attended.
We did not have a standing room only capacity but about 36 individuals attended. All left with a wealth of knowledge and a cookie or two filling both the mind and tummy. We had a drawing and gave away some wonderful swag and interesting items. One item was a kit with worksheets for organizing your important contact information in case of an emergency for you or a family member.
Story and photo by Bill Stasi
