ASU remembers
Robert 'Bob' Stahl
College of Education - 32 years

August 31, 2022
Bob graduated in 1963 from Eustis High School, FL. He earned an athletic scholarship to Lake Sumter Jr. College. He transferred to the University of Florida, graduating with a Bachelors of Art in Secondary Education in 1967. He taught History and Psychology at Deland High School (Deland, FL), History and Psychology at Clermont High School (Clermont, FL), History and Psychology at Columbia High School (Lake City, FL), and ManA Course of Study at P.K. Yonge Lab School (Gainesville, FL). He earned a Masters Degree in Secondary Education (1970) and a doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction with minors in History and Secondary Social Studies Education (1975) at the University of Florida (Gainesville). Bob taught three years in the College of Education at Mississippi University for Women in Columbus, MS, followed by 32 years teaching in the College of Education, Arizona State University, where he served as a Professor Emeritus in ASU's Emeritus College since 2010. Bob was President of the National Council for the Social Studies, chair of the American Educational Research Association's Special Interest Group's Advisory Committee, President of the Arizona Council for the Social Studies, and President of the Arizona Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. He was also on the Board of Directors of each of these organizations as well as on the Board of the American Educational Research Association and the Florida and Arizona Councils for the Social Studies. He was a special consultant for Education for the U.S. Department of Education, where he consulted in various countries. He also consulted on educational topics in Canada, Thailand, and Australia as well as in 24 states in the United States. A prolific writer, Bob edited, authored, co-edited, or co-authored ten books and over 80 articles or chapters on a variety of subjects. Bob is survived his wife, Dr. Nancy Nance Stahl; his son; one sister; and five brothers. His parents, Harry Rexford Stahl and Mary. Eleanore Yirga Stahl, pre-deceased him. |