Choosing a password
- Longer passwords are best.
- Try using a sentence ("passphrase") about something personal, e.g. "Harry & Isabel were married 76 years!"
- Complexity helps: use a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
- Don't re-use passwords: use a different password for every account or site you use.
Multi-factor authentication
The factors used for authentication are generally:
- Something you know, e.g. a password or what a crosswalk looks like.
- Something you possess, e.g. a phone or a security device
- Something inherent to you, such as a fingerprint or your retina.
Two-factor authentication uses two of these things, usually a password and perhaps a code sent to your cell phone. Some security systems require use of three things.
Whenever multi-factor is an option, you should choose to use it. That way, even if your password is compromised, your personal information will not be.