Event report
October 2021-2022 open enrollment seminar
The annual medical insurance open enrollment seminar was held on Thursday, October 7, 2021 via Zoom. Over 100 people attended the seminar which, for the first time, was also opened to people from NAU and UArizona retiree programs. Speakers from AARP, ASRS and ADOA presented on the various options that retirees have available for health insurance and answered attendee questions.
Rob Foster, Community Volunteer with the Community Educators Program at AARP Arizona presented on the various options available as a Medicare recipient. He explained the differences between the original Medicare plan and the Medicare Advantage Plans that retirees can choose from. In addition, he covered the Medicare drug plans and the Medigap plans. Rob provided a valuable comparison sheet that can be found by clicking on the link below.
ASRS (Arizona State Retirement System)
Randi Gray, plan administrator from the ASRS, presented the options that are available from the Arizona State Retirement Association. Randi did mention that there would not be any changes to the plans or coverage for 2022, but that there will be an increase in premiums. She indicated that this is a passive enrollment year, meaning if you aren’t planning on making any changes to your existing coverage you do not have participate in open enrollment. There will be webinars presented that cover the open enrollment process for this year beginning on October 28, 2021. Open enrollment will take place November 1-30, 2021 with benefits coverage taking place on January 1, 2022. For more information on ASRS open enrollment, please visit their website at - https://www.azasrs.gov/content/2022-open-enrollment-information
ADOA (Arizona Department of Administration)
Tracie Carruthers, plan administrator in the Benefit Services Division of ADOA, presented the options available from the Arizona Department of Administration. Tracie mentioned that there will be no changes in the plans or coverage for 2022, nor will there be any increase in premiums. Like ASRS, ADOA open enrollment will be a passive enrollment. You will only need to participate if you are changing your benefits coverage. Open enrollment will run from November 1-19, 2021. An enrollment guide is in the final stages of preparation and will be mailed out to members on October 12, 2021. Online webinars will be held for retirees. Check the ADOA Benefits web page for dates/times of those webinars and how to get signed up.