Event report
October 2013 - Health Insurance Seminar
This year’s ASURA Health Care Seminar couldn’t have been more timely! The federal government had just reopened, the debt crisis was averted, and the Affordable Care Act was definitely “in the news” when 60 ASURA members and guests met on October 17th for a very informative session on a variety of health care topics of great interest to retirees.
David Parra, AARP Arizona representative, presented an overview of Medicare and all its complicated parts with great clarity, energy, and more than a touch of humor. David was assisted by volunteers Greg and Lisa Lund. who offered a breakdown of the Affordable Care Act and its impact on various groups. Their powerpoint explanations were augmented by easy-to-understand charts, distributed to the group and now available on the ASURA website (click on Health Insurance on the left side of the homepage). ADOA representative Raquel Lind and ASRS representative Pat Klein followed with presentations on open enrollment for their respective organizations. Both answered a multitude of questions and provided written materials for all who desired them. All in all, it was a jam-packed morning, full of important information presented by engaging and articulate speakers.
Jan Thompson