Event report
October 2012 - Medicare & Health Insurance
How Medicare Works Seminar
More than a dozen ASURA members attended this seminar presented by Mr. David Parra and Ms. Diane Sanders from AARP Arizona. Participants learned how Medicare works. The speakers explained Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage (also called Part C) and how Medicare Parts A, B, and D work with each of the two options. Participants rated the session highly and many commented on how much they learned.
ADOA & ASRS Health Insurance Open Enrollment Seminar
An overflow crowd of more than 60 ASURA members came to learn about their health care options at this seminar featuring representatives from both the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) and the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA). A lively discussion was held and information was shared but many questions remained at the end of the seminar. We will be rethinking how we present this seminar next year.
by Gary Kleemann