Event report
November 2018 Biodesign Building Tour - Tempe campus
On Thursday November 15, thirty-eight ASU Retirees and their guests participated in a tour of programs on what we called ASU “East” facilities. The buildings east of McCallister Street on the ASU Tempe Campus house programs/research which many of us retirees are not aware. First we visited the School of Earth and Space Exploration (SEASE) and were treated to a 3-D video of earth, neighboring planets and satellites in near space in the Marston Theater. We were then given a lobby tour and informed on the development of a satellite being built solely at the School to be launched in 2020 to explore a large asteroid near Jupiter. A model of that satellite will soon be on display in the lobby of SEASE. Being a public university, just stop by the building and see at the displays.
We then met with persons representing research and projects in BioDesign buildings A, B and C. We saw a video, which is available to visitors in the lobby of BioDesign B that explains ongoing research into designer vaccines, use of genetic information for disease treatment and biological mechanisms for cancer treatment, vaccines for Ebola, and enhancing the productivity of photosynthesis. After a catered lunch (Charlie’s Café) in a nearby park-like area, we saw another video in BioDesign B and moved to the new building designated as BioDesign C which opened just before the end of the fall semester of 2018. There we were given tours of two labs. One lab features brain research dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The other lab we saw is housed in the basement of BioDesign C. This lab will house a laser machine that will help define the chemical structure of molecules like proteins.
The photo to the left is a model of the laser based machine which will function as an atomic acceleration device. This machine is unique to ASU and the nation.
RA members who made this tour were amazed at the scientific contributions being made to the ASU Community and the nation and world. Based on actions in SEASE and BioDesign, combined with work in other parts of ASU, it becomes clear why ASU is being given awards for innovation.
Report prepared by John H. Brock, Chair of the ASU RA Travel Committee.
Pictures by John Brock & Barry McNeill