Event report
November 2016 - Rhythm Cats
he travel committee hosted an event at the end of November. Approximately 21 members and guests met at the Silver Star theatre to attend a dinner buffet and to enjoy the Rhythm Cats musical show. After the unlimited dinner selections at the buffet, the show began.
George Staerkel [best known as one of the Tokens in the 1960s—i.e.: “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” among other recordings], led his group The Rhythm Cats in show stopping entertainment. The 6 entertainers played many different instruments, and sang songs from the 50s and 60s…to the delight of the audience.
It was amazing to hear the many varied instruments that these fellows have mastered, along with their vocals to take the audience back to high school and college days. The group has been a valley favorite for many years; the latest show was no exception. The show ended with the audience twisting in the aisles. The group offers varied shows to include Rock’n Roll Oldies, 70s Rock’n Roll, Country Classics, John Denver and Willie Nelson tributes, and many other show specials. The Travel Committee may consider this an annual event as everyone attending enjoyed the evening.
More about this group can be found on their website: rhythmcatsshow.com.
Story by John Brock; Pictures by Joyce Hartman Diaz