Event report

November 2012 - Fall Luncheon


The ASURA Luncheons and Special Events Committee decided that we have been long overdue planning a luncheon to accommodate our many members who are residents of Friendship Village Tempe (FVT). So, on Friday, November 16th, we held a served luncheon for 48 attendees. Of the 48, 26 FVT residents walked from their cottage/apartment to the lovely Skirm Auditorium. The non-residents of FVT were able to park at the nearby Catholic Church and shuttle service to/from the parking lot to the Auditorium was pro-vided by FVT management!

The luncheon, which was excellent, was followed by a lively and entertaining 45-minute concert by the Tetra String Quartet. Members of Tetra are associate faculty of the ASU School of Music. The quartet performs widely throughout the Valley as well as touring nationally and internationally.

Story by Barbara Bradford Eschbach


Pre-lunch conversation


Fall luncheon