Event report
November 2011 - Facebook Seminar
The third in this year’s ASURA’s seminar series, Staying in Touch with Facebook, was presented by Dr. Carrie Cohill on November 19. There were around forty attendees most of whom said they used e-mail and a bit over twenty-five percent had or were currently using Facebook.
Technical difficulties hampered the presentation. However Dr. Cohill was still able to deliver an informative talk which started with a quick overview of what social media are and their current impact on the way many people in the world now communicate (e.g., ”if Facebook were a country it would be the third largest country in the world”). A video created by ABC 15 news showed residents of the Pebble Creek Retirement Community in Goodyear using Facebook to stay in touch with friends and family.
The presentation then focused on using Facebook and showed several how-to tutorials on: getting an account established, creating a profile, sharing with friends, finding friends, and uploading pictures and video. The material on sharing with friends was perhaps the most interesting showing a variety ways to enhance your postings (e.g., links, pictures, question feedback, and social plugins). The audience asked several questions during the presentation.