ASURA Leadership

Association year 1994-1995


President - Robert (Bob) D. Beeman

Past President - Anne Pittman

Vice President - Guido G. Weigend

Secretary - Martha Waltemath

Treasurer - Mat Betz

Dick Murra


Dick Murra, one of the ASURA founders and chief ASURA health insurance advocate for 20+ years

Board of Directors

Alfred Thomas Jr.

Anne Pittman

Bob Beeman

Carolyn Brown

Denis Kigin

Diana Regner

Dick Murra

Don Gieschen

Guido Weigend

Henry C. Reeves

Jo Ann Hennington

June Payne

Martha Waltemath

Mat Betz

Willard Pedrick

Ex-officio Board members

Academic Senate - Deborah N. Losse

Academic VP - Carole Johnson

Classified Staff Council

    Reba Wilson & Philomena Bell

Human Resources - Robert Frazier & Connie Wood

University Relations - Brent Brown

Committee chairs

AZ Council of Retired Univ. Employees

    Bob Beeman & Guido Weigend

Education - Don Gieschen

Health Insurance - Dick Murra

Legislative Liaison - Bob Ellis

Membership - George Morrell

Newsletter - June Payne

University Club - George Morrell

University Liaison - Denis Kigin 

Office volunteers

Corinne Irvan - Business Manager

Corinne Irvan - Office Manager