Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for Septermber 12, 2023



The Board Meeting (Sept. 12, 2023) had several lively discussions on a variety of topics such as Financial Health, Membership renewals, Liability, Medical School, pre-retirement seminars and the need for paper mailings. The financial health of ASURA is good, there is a surplus of funds that can be spent (or saved). Adopt a Family will get an increased allocation, the endowment has grown to $100,000 and the scholarship is well funded.

There were presentations on ABOR’s request for funding from the Arizona Legislature, the achievements of the ASU Senate, a slate of seminars till May and events being planned by the travel committee. The Video History project is underway with new interviews. Trips to Costa Rica and Southern Arizona have adequate participation. ASURA’s membership number look healthy, and plans are underway for increased member renewals, better communications and increased participation.