Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for September 14, 2021



The meeting was called to order by President Edmonds.  Barry presented the financial report for the fiscal year that just ended.  He also presented the proposed budget the fiscal report for the period from July 1, 2021 to current.  There was discussion regarding the budget for the winter meet and greet, now known as "Picnic in the Park".  It was recommended that the events committee put together a proposal regarding the budget for the event and present it back to the Board.  Seminar Committee reported that they received a good response to the survey and are working to finalize the schedule for seminars for 2022.  A reminder to register for the October open enrollment seminar.  It was suggested that we start inviting NAU and UArizona retirees to our seminars.  Connie reported that the new website is ready to go live, pending approval by ASU UTO.  A lot of hard work went into creating the new website and moving content from the old site to the new one.  The new site will be better organized and offer better searching capabilities.