Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for October 14, 2015



 ASURA legislative liaisons will closely watch pending legislation SB1379 and will keep the Board apprised of action. Approval of the September Board Meeting Minutes was moved to the December Board meeting.  Treasurer noted cash reserves diminishing and the need to increase income to cover expenses. Report on Cash Reserve Analysis to be made at December meeting.  ASURA will host the Tri-University meeting in November at the Memorial Union. University Club, which had lost this bid, requested the opportunity to bid future events.  The Scholarship Committee has posted the information for the 2016-2017 ASURA Scholarship on the web.  The Video History Project continues to move files to the ASU Library archives.  The September Meet and Greet was a success.  Many attendees at the Pre-Retirement Seminar expressed interest in ASURA.  Fall luncheon scheduled for 13 Nov. at Shalimar Golf Club at cost of $22pp. Events Committee reported Health Care Seminar on track for Oct. 22 with 4 additional seminars scheduled for Spring 2016.  Travel Committee reported that the Dolly Steamboat trip at Canyon Lake was cancelled due to lack of participation. The holiday program is scheduled for 05 December at Mesa Skyline High School.  Additional trips are posted on ASURA Events webpage.  The Legislative Liaisons will work on an article regarding updates on legislative bills and related meetings for Prime Times.  Health benefits open enrollment begins soon.  Membership Committee reported a slight increase in membership.  November 18 is the deadline for submission of articles to Prime Times.  ASURA successfully participated in Faculty/Staff Fairs at multiple campuses. President sought suggestions for guest speaker at the annual meeting in April.  Jo Madonna expressed the need for 2 additional topics for the ENews blast to members.  Next meeting scheduled for 09 December 2015.  Meeting was adjourned at 11:26 a.m.