Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for October 12, 2016



The Scholarship Committee asked if any monies would be allocated for a scholarship in 2017-2018.  The Finance Committee will review the request and report back next month. Luncheons and Special Events Committee reported the Fall Luncheon was a success and made a small profit. The Seminar Committee reported that the focus of the spring seminars is health care and will feature topics of: Physical Therapy and Nutrition; Hearing; Financial Planning and Pitfalls of Surgery and Rehab; and Senior Living.  The next Pre-Retirement Seminar will be in December.  The Board was encouraged to help work the event. The Travel Committee has a dinner/musicale event planned for November. Trips in the planning stages include the British Isles, an overnight trip to Southern Arizona, and Cuba.  Third quarter profits from book sales totaled $304.35.  The Government Liaison Council informed the Board of various items the Arizona Board of Regents may bring to the Legislature this year.  The Health Insurance Liaison Council reported no change in ADOA insurance offerings this open enrollment period.  ASRS has added a host of medical insurance choices for non-Medicare eligible retirees this open enrollment period.  The Membership Committee reported membership numbers were down slightly from last year.  January 20, 2017 is the deadline for submission of articles for the Spring 2017 issue of Prime Times.