Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for November 9, 2016



The Luncheons and Special Events Committee reported that the Holiday Potluck and Bake Sale is scheduled for December 16. The Seminars Committee reported that there was positive feedback from the 62 attendees at the October Open Enrollment and Health Care Seminar. There are 4 seminars planned for Spring 2017 with an emphasis on health related issues. The Travel Committee reported that the Rhythm Cats Dinner Show is scheduled on November 29; the "A Phoenician Christmas" music event is planned for December 3; another Tovrea Castle tour is scheduled for April 1, followed by an overnight trip to Karchner Caverns in mid-April. A trip to the British Isles is scheduled for September 2017. The Government Legislative Liaison reported that the Tri-University meeting will be held at the Decision Theatre at the Downtown Phoenix Campus on November 21. The Health Insurance Liaison Council reported that open enrollment ends on November 11. E-News is seeking electronic links to health related articles. The Membership Committee reported that numbers are down by 5 over last year at this time. The distribution of faculty and staff have remained fairly constant. Tara Roesler was appointed to fill the Vice Presidency vacancy. The formation of the Health Information Committee continues to be on hold while the search for a person to chair this committee continues. The proposed ASURA Policy on Business Advertising was again discussed. A set of guidelines are to be written and presented at the December Board Meeting for additional consideration. A motion was made and unanimously passed to re-word the Automatic Membership Motion originally passed at the 14 September 2016 Board Meeting. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for 14 December 2016 in CSB 203.