Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for November 14, 2017



Preparation is underway for the Twelfth Annual Emeritus College Symposium titled "Arts in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) World" will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2017 at the Carson Ballroom, Old Main, ASU Tempe Campus.  The Senate report indicated that twelve of the past senate presidents had a lunch meeting and the two longest tenures at ASU were Mort Munk and Carleton Moore. The goal of this group is to utilize the group's experience when unique issues arise. The Video History Group met to discuss and better understand meta data issues. It was agreed that all interviews should have a short abstract and a table of contents which would have time markers indicating where in the interview the item could be found. John McIntosh and Dave Scheatzle visited the ASUSRA iMAC 2013 computer at the Apple sick bay in the Computer Commons Building. Dave plans to pick up the repaired computer which has a new hard drive with operating system. After that machine is up and running, the MAC 2011 should be taken in for repairs. Events Committee Coordinator, Barry McNeill, has prepared training materials for the creation of free events on Wild Apricot. Barry is hopeful of getting a crew who can handle ASUSRA events on Wild Apricot. Bonnie Scheall, Luncheons and Special Events chair mentioned that the December 14, Holiday Potluck is progressing well.  No confirmed number of attendees yet, but attendance could reach 60. Bev Buddee (Seminar Committee) announced that the October 26, 2017 seminar on healthcare, which was filled to capacity, went well. The next seminar is entitled Stress Reduction/Changing is set for Thursday, January 11, 2018 from 10:00 - noon at the Community Services Building, Room 330.  Dick Jacob provided a report of the ASRS Board of Trustees Meeting of 17 October, 2017. No new policy legislative initiatives were offered at this meeting. Connie McNeill (Web Site and Database Committee) reported that a newly-retired member of ASURA, Jill Massara, has volunteered to help ASURA members with home computer and smartphone setup. She will charge a nominal hourly rate for her services.  Another member, Rick Wall, has a business in computer support. He will also go to people's homes to provide assistance. Rick charges less than most businesses, but his rate is not a "volunteer" rate. Permission was asked to advertise in Prime Times about Jill's offer. The Board agreed that an article about this would be appropriate.