Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for May 9, 2023



The Board met on May 09 2023 with five new members. Thank you notes were received from an adopted family and scholarship recipient. The Business Manager position has been divided into three positions, Operations, Membership and Mailings. Video History had three interviews, but storing the videos and metadata has been an ongoing problem. The seminar committee would like to work with ADOA/ASRS to make the benefits seminar have plan comparisons. The financial committee looked into paying the scholarship money in Spring rather than July. The transition will cause two payments this year, and the impact is manageable. The Annual Meeting was well attended though some things can be changed for the better. The Travel Committee is looking into Southern AZ and International options.