Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for May 10, 2022



The ASURA Board of Directors met on Tuesday, May 12, 2022.  It was a full agenda of items up for discussion.  Financially, we are in good shape as we finish out this fiscal year.  The moneys we receive from HR need to be spent so we don’t get a reduction in this allotment in future years.  Several suggestions were presented as to how we can spend these funds.  The Scholarship recipient has been selected for next year.  The last seminar until the October open enrollment seminar is being held on May 12, 2022.  The fall “Meet and Greet” is being planned out.  The location of this event will depend on how many people we anticipate will attend.  The pre-retirement seminars continue to be held each month with an average of 35 people participating in them. 

The financial report and membership report can be found at the end of the minutes reports. 

NOTE:  The September 13, 2022 meeting will be held “in person”.  It will be a hybrid meeting with Zoom connectivity for those who cannot attend in person.  See the minutes for more information.