Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for January 09, 2024



At this meeting ex-officio members Tim Desch, Mark Lussier and Kendra Burton reported about activities at the Alumni Association, Emeritus college and the State Capitol. ASU is requesting the legislature to allocate $50 million of funding for new initiatives for the Medical School. Pat Schneider announced new seminars and the Scholarship selection is in process.

There was a discussion of how to retain members who tend to not renew. A survey will be done. The retention issue is also tied to adequate promotion of what ASURA does, that is ASURA is an association that does good things for the greater good. Supporting ASURA  facilitates ASURA to carry out ASURA’s mission as laid out in the Bylaws.