Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for February 13, 2024



The legislative committee reported following bills at the State Legislature that affect ASU and ASRS. The committee will help Kendra Burton (ASU Lobbyist) regarding these bills. Pat talked about the threats to ASRS that is the focus of the group called ARSC (Arizona Retirement Security Council).

A guest speaker, Denise Blommel gave a talk about monetary risks that are faced by ASURA as an organization and ASURA Board Members individually. She discussed various types of insurance that mitigates these risks.

Spring Luncheon plans are currently on hold.  ASURA will have a table at the ASU Day at the Capitol. The annual meeting plans have been laid out, and will be held on April 17, 1p-3:30p at Ability 360.