Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for February 12, 2014



The monthly Financial report was accepted.  Liaison reports included Emeritus College, University Senate and Staff Council.  Results of the Member Survey are coming into the ASURA office and additional surveys are being sent out.  Activity and Events reports included updates on scholarship applications and Video History interviews.  Barry McNeill and Jo Madonna represented ASURA at ASU Day at the Capitol.  ASURA volunteers will participate in a KAET fundraising activity and luncheons are scheduled for 15 May and 14 November.  Retirees Day has a small registration thus far and it is likely that the event will be cancelled.  65 people attended the Seminar on Options for Seniors.  22 people have signed up for the trip to Chase Field. The books have been closed on the Golf Tournament, and the event will need a new Chair for 2014.  A motion was passed to make membership renewals received after 1 January to extend through 30 June of the following year.  Connie McNeill reported that ASU is planning to discontinue support for the server on which the ASURA website resides.  Board elections are in progress.