Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for February 11, 2015



The Board approved Jeannette Robson to fill the vacancy which resulted form Rick Wall’s recent resignation.  The Executive committee decided to send an email to ASURA members with a link to the electronic version of Prime Times to see how people react to the electronic format.  The print version will continue to be distributed as well.  Due to reorganization, ASURA now reports to Human Relations at ASU.  Planning is underway for a Volunteer Luncheon.  A discussion of membership issues produces several ideas about ways to interact with pre-retirees.   The Scholarship Committee reported some difficulty publicizing notices of the scholarship’s availability.  The Video History Project is operating well.  The Legislative Liaison Committee is schedule to attend the ASU Day at the Capitol on 17 February.  ServiceNow, which provides information needed for computing self-support and accepts service requests, should be in place soon for Retirees to use.