Board meeting minutes

Meeting minutes record both official actions of the Board and reports given by committee chairs. Meeting highlights are shown here, along with a link to the full official minutes.

Minutes for December 9, 2015



Guest speaker Kevin Salcido, Vice President of HR at ASU, explained the University’s position on proposed legislation that would change the benefits package offered to current and future ASU faculty and staff employees.  The Board Meeting Minutes for the 09 September 2015 and 14 October 2015 meetings were approved.  The University Liaison gave a report on the Arizona Board of Regents Proposed State investment Model and FY 2017 Budget Proposal.  Two families have been selected for participation in the Adopt-A-Family Program.  The first is the family of an ASU student, a returning service man, his wife and two children.  The second family, identified through Tempe Community Services, includes a husband, wife, and 5 boys.   The Committee Chair reported that she had received an outside donation of $115 to add to the $1,000 ASURA budget for the program.  The Scholarship Committee reported that the 2016 ASURA Scholarship is being advertised.  The Video History Committee reported that 46 interviews have been uploaded to the ASU Library Archives and are available for viewing by anyone with an ASU account.  The Events Committee reminded Board Members to sign up for the 2015 Holiday Potluck and Bake Sale if they have not already done so.  Space is limited.   Four seminars are scheduled in the spring: January 14, 2016, is the Volunteer Fair, January 28 is the Sleep Seminar, and 2 additional seminars are scheduled in February and March respectively.  The Finance Committee met with Jerry Snyder in early November, the results of that meeting will be brought to the Board at the January 11, 2016, meeting.  The 53rd Legislative Session begins January 11, 2016.  The Government Liaison Committee will keep the Board updated on specific legislation as it comes up.  The Government Liaison Council has also initiated a working group of Government Liaisons from different retiree associations – NAU, UA, Arizona Education Association, and the City of Mesa with the goal of keeping all updated on issues as they move through the upcoming legislative session.  Several names were suggested for speaker at the 2016 Annual Meeting.  The President was urged to follow up on an invitation to Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, the founder and Executive Director of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.  There was discussion about partnering with the ASU Alumni Association in the promotion of events.  An invitation will be extended to the Alumni Association to send a representative to the January ASURA Board Meeting.  President Fordemwalt was also asked to extend an invitation for a representative of the Arizona State Retirees System to speak to the Board at a future meeting regarding the effect the change in the University’s benefits package would have on ASRS and its members.  A Nominating Committee will be formed in January and names of potential board members are being sought by Past-President Jo Madonna to fill upcoming ASURA Board vacancies.