ASURA Volunteer


Maxine LaRoux

Adopt-A-Family 1995-1998

Board member 2005-2009

Secretary 2006-2009

Office staff 2007-2016



Maxine LaRoux


Spring 2009

I grew up in a small town located in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State.  After I was graduated from Rochester Business Institute I moved to Chandler, Arizona with my family. 

Williams Air Force Base became an important place in our lives:  met my husband, married in the WAFB Chapel, first child born there and our son graduated from Pilot Training. 

Later I worked 20 years at Arizona State University retiring as an Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Resources.  During that time I earned a B. S. in Justice Studies and a M.P.A. in Public Affairs. 

Family and volunteer activities are an important part of my retirement.