ASURA Leadership

Association year 2003-2004


President - Floyd Land

Past President - Quentin Bogart

Vice President - David Scheatzle

Secretary - Martha Merkle

Treasurer - Mike Lupnacca

Alan Johnson


Alan Johnson was Legislative Liaison for 3 years and Retirement System Liaison for another 3 years.

Board of Directors

Alan Johnson

Betty Greathouse

Carol Valentine

David Scheatzle

Floyd Land

Hank Spomer

Jerry Poe

Joe Wilkinson

John E. Bell

Martha Merkle

Mike Lupnacca

Monte Allen

Nancy O'Bannon

Quentin Bogart

Rochelle Mackey

Suzanne Steadman

Ex-officio Board members

Academic Senate - Tony Garcia

Classified Staff Council - John Leard

Human Resources - Christine Cervantes

Public Affairs - Nancy Jordan

Sr. VP/Provost - Lynn Carpenter

Committee chairs

Activities Committee-Tom Dezelsky

Adopt-A-Family-Jeri Goldfader & Geri Roth

Education-Joe Wilkinson & Sue Blumer

Emeritus College Liaison-Lou Weschler

Insurance - ADOA-Dick Murra

Insurance - ASRS-Denis Kigin

Legislative Liaison-Alan Johnson

Membership-George Morrell

Newsletter-Rochelle (Rocky) Mackey

Retirement System Liaison-John Bell

Scholarship-Sue Blumer

Technology & Web Site-Bob Beeman

University Club Liaison-Bob Ellis

Video History Project-June Payne

Volunteers-Peggy Randolph

Office volunteers

Corinne Irvan - Business Manager

Corinne Irvan - Office Manager